Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Myth on Saturated Fat

Are Saturated Fats Good For You?

Many would believe that eating saturated fat will cause weight gain, high cholesterol and heart disease.

But what if I were to tell you that omnivores are meant to eat animal fat. A lot of it even. Why do you think breast milk is over 50% saturated fat? Countries that have a higher saturated fat consumption have less heart disease than countries that have developed a low fat diet.It's shown that humans who eat more animal fat and less carbohydrates are more fit and heart healthy.

Why do studies show that it's bad then?
Have you ever considered those test studies have been done on Herbivores? Herbivores who aren't meant to eat meat anyway. Tests done on omnivores and carnivores are fine.
Lets also remember that cholesterol medication is a 25 billion dollar industry. So it's in the country's best interest that we tell lies about health to U.S citizens...

There are good vs not so good saturated fats though...

Eggs, milk, and meat that are pastured and grass fed have higher nutrient rich fatty acids than animals that have been confined. So buying at a farmers market or going organic will give you the better option.

Let's not confuse Saturated fat with trans fat!
Trans fat is something made from vegetable oil to make it solid at room temp and is super un-natural and not meant for human consumption. (Crisco, margarine, partially or fully hydrogenated oil)

So stay away from trans fats and enjoy those saturated fats!
Use real butter and don't worry about eating the whole egg with the yolk. Just start shopping at  your local farmers market to make sure you are getting the best nutrient rich saturated fats you can and if a farmers market isn't an option Organic is a good second choice.

If you need to be more convinced, here is an article written by a cardiac surgeon and professor of surgery at the U.W. Medical Center.

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