Sunday, September 4, 2011

Easy Mac N Cheese

Your own homemade Mac N Cheese that takes about 15 min. Definitely a favorite recipe of mine!


1 1/2 cup Pasta (I usually go whole grain or organic macaroni, rotini, penne, or ziti)
1 cup Cheese (any mix to your liking)
1/4 cup Milk (I use unsweetened original almond milk)
A dash of salt
A dash of olive oil


  • Heat water to a boil on high in a sauce pan and add salt and oil.
  • Once the water is boiling stir in pasta.
  • When the pasta is tender strain the pasta.
  • Bring the pasta back to the pot and add the milk and cheese.
  • Put the pot back on the burner to med heat and stir your pasta till creamy.
This is the super simple version, but you can add seasoned bread crumbs with butter on top and put it under a broiler, you can add fresh shredded spinach, you can add cooked sausage ( I broil applegate farms hot dogs, cut them up, and add it to mine :P) and do countless other things to this recipe! I make this for my self all the time for a quick meal and I half the ingredients. ( 3/4 cup pasta, 1/2 cup cheese, 2 tbsp milk)


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