So Why Go Organic?
Some people might scoff at the idea of spending more money on Organic food but I'm gonna tell you why Organic just might be the only way to go.
In the early 90's America allowed natural farm raised food to be bio chemically changed.
Not only that, but U.S.A. government also doesn't have to label on any product if it used or is a genetically engineered food! i.e. anything that has been produced in the U.S.A that isn't labeled Organic could possibly be an engineered food like any produce, cereal, wheat, soy, cottonseed oil, canola, corn, ext.
Why is bio genetically altered food so bad?
Well, the only reason why they altered the food in the first place was so that the plant would work well with a specific pesticide. The company that owned the pesticide now owns the seed (to a ton of different crops) and also works for our FDA.
You don't want to be a lab rat right?
The FDA didn't want any testing to be done to see if there were any bad side effects to eating these biologically changed foods. So it's untested, and in my mind, unsafe. The are no known health benefits to these Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and many possible health risks.
Organic, by law, has to guarantee that it does not have Genetically Modified Organisms.
So yes Organic might be more expensive but that's a price I'm willing to pay to know I'm not being a lab rat for the government.
To get a wide variety of Organic food visit your local Farmers Market, Co'op, Trader Joe's, or Market store.
And for more info on this subject watch THE FUTURE OF FOOD, this really opened my eyes!
If the potential health risks are not enough to convince you to try eating organic food then maybe the taste will. Often times at the super market organic produce looks smaller and may have odd shapes and uneven coloring, you would think that the nice round red tomato that has been genetically modified and looks better also tastes better. Nope wrong! Try Organic and do a taste test and compare. Eating Organic eliminates possible health risks of GM food and surprise it tastes better too! What a plus!